Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Chapter 5

Tarn Eorax undid the latch and opened the door, standing back and allowing the person in the hall to enter the room. The black cloaked figure stepped into the room and pulled his cowl back.

He was unusually tall, just shy of two meters, if XXXX were to guess, but was on the slender side, around 75 kilos. He appeared to be in his late thirties, although it was hard to tell. His shoulder length hair and and long pointed goatee were prematurely white. That combined with his ashen skin tone and dark colored irises gave him the appearance of not just being older, but also left one with the impression that a member of the undead were standing in front of them.

Instinctively, both Jedi drew their lightsaber hilts and took fighting stances. They could feel the Dark Side emanating from the skeletal man.

The Sith threw back his head and cackled. "Put away your weapons, Jedi. I have no intention of fighting you," he said in a high pitched voice.

"We won't let you take the child, Deron. Leave now, or we will be forced to arrest you," XXXX said. The last thing she wanted was a saber fight with a small child in the room.

The Sith laughed again. "On what grounds? You Jedi are fools. I have committed no crime, and I already have the legal paperwork to take custody of this boy. Raise your hand against me, and it will be you who will be breaking the law." He reached into his cloak and pulled out a contract. He turned back to the slovenly version of Jaron. "You have your money, I will now take what is mine," he said as he tucked the contract back into his cloak.

"You won't be taking the child with you. I won't let you." XXXX said with determination.

"Master! We can't. Slavery is legal on Reytha. With a signed contract, he has every right to take the child, and besides, the Council would never want us to take a child this way," Jaron pleaded.

"Damn Reytha law, and damn the Council. I won't stand by and let this worm twist and innocent child to his warped ways. I'm taking the child and that's all there is to it," XXXX replied vehemently. In response, the Sith slid his hand back beneath his cloak.

Suddenly the door to the other room burst open and small dark haired woman burst through, leveling two blaster pistols at Tarn. She was small with long flowing, unkept black hair that fell down over her shoulders. She may have been pretty, but it was hard to tell under the dirt and tear streaked face that showed itself through the tangled black hair.

"No one is taking my little Gully, anywhere," she screamed and began pulling the triggers. Her fist shots drilled Tarn Eorax in the face, vaporizing half his skull. Tarn's lifeless body sunk to it's knees then toppled over backwards. The woman instantly began firing randomly at the other targets in the room.

XXXX took advantage of the distraction and, igniting her blade, lept across the room toward the Sith. At the last second he drew his red bladed lightsaber and blocked her attack as he stepped backward into the hallway. XXXX followed him, driving him further back as she furiously attacked him.

The child's mother turned on the only target left in the room and began firing at Jaron. The Jedi ignited his blade and deflected the first few shot, but instinct took over and he instinctively began redirecting her shots. The second one caught the woman in the throat and she tumbled backward to the floor.

In the hall, the Sith turned and ran for the window. He dove at the transparisteel, holding his lightsaber out in front of him, and it shattered on contact, allowing the Sith to pass though the opening unimpeded.

XXXX stood at the window and watched the Sith tumble and land safely in the street below. He turned and gave her a mock salute before trotting down the street and disappearing into the throng.

Turning around, she ran back down to the small apartment and stopped upon entering. Jaron was standing still, looking down at the body of the small woman. He turned and looked at XXXX. His face was ashen as he realized what he had done. "It was an accident, Master. I just reacted. I didn't mean to kill her."

"Things happen, Jaron. Just make up for your actions. Be a good father to your own son," she replied as she walked over to the small boy. He was balled up on the mattress, holding his ears, screaming and crying. She knelt down and wrapped her arms around the small boy. She rocked the boy gently as she spoke, "It's alright. I'm here. Shhh, shhh, shhh. Everthing will be okay. I won't let anything happen to you. Ever."

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