Saturday, January 24, 2009

Chapter 3

The transport landed on Reytha, in the capital city of Yeere. XXXX and Jaron disembarked along with the few other passengers. They joined the throng of people moving about the large spaceport, and made their way to the streets.

Once there, they found an empty side alley where they could discuss their situation without being overheard.

"According to the data our intelligence operatives uncovered, Tarn Eorax was requesting to meet his Sith contact in a cantina on the outskirts called the Blood Bucket.

"The communication betweent the two was in data form only, as far as intel could make out, and the Sith only identified him or herself as Deron," XXXX explained to Jaron.

"So we go to the Blood Bucket and track them?" Jaron asked.

"No. We need to locate Eorax before the meeting. We're not looking for a confrontation with the Sith here. We're here to try and talk the parents into letting us take the child," she reminded him.

"But Master, how are we going to find him?" Jaron asked.

"You've been a Knight for how long?" XXXX asked sarcastically. "Never mind. Eorax chose the meeting place, so it's probably an establishment which with he's familiar. We'll go there and ask a few questions. Someone is bound to know the man," she said as she put her data pad away.

"Let's not waste anytime. Intel wasn't sure when the meeting was to take place. I only hope we're not too late already," she said and stepped back out into the crowded street followed closely by Jaron.

It took no time to locate the Blood Bucket, and it was exactly the den of scum that the name implied. After entering the establishment, they made their way to the bar.

"Whaddya want," the bartender slurred.

XXXX spoke politely,"We have a few questions about a patron who frequents your canti--"

She was cut off by the bartender, "Never hearduv 'm."

XXXX casually waved her hand, "We wish you would reconsider. Answering our questions will do no harm."

"Weeell... maybe answerin yer questins won't do no harm," the bartender replied. "Whaddya wanna know?"

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